Artificial Intelligence Blog Writing: Best Practices, Tools and Statistics (2024)

You've probably heard the term: artificial intelligence blog writing and you are looking to know what it is all about plus how it can help improve your blogging game.

Want to learn of the best practices and tools to help you create high quality blog posts using AI? Want to find out if there are any consequences or draw backs?

So much questions, huh!

Well, you've just landed in the right place at the right time.

Let's face it.

Using artificial intelligence for content writing has been the next big thing since the start 2022.

There are now a lot of AI writing tools that can help you create content in a matter of minutes.

In fact, in a research and prediction carried out by Gartner;

Blog, text and news will account for a whooping 71% of AI revenue by 2022.

In another study in 2020 it predicted that;

AI generated text will be responsible for creating up to 90% of content online by 2022

It's 2024, no doubt but we all saw how AI writing tools such as Jasper and Copy.AI took over in content creation in 2022/23.

A lot of top businesses like Google, Microsoft, social media platforms like Facebook and twitter are already improving their products and services with the help of AI tools.

This is why you shouldn't sleep on using artificial intelligence to improve your blogging business either.

Nothing beats consistency

Blogging is already hard work, and there is need for consistency. If you want to keep up with the competition as well as with your readers you need to publish content on a regular basis.

Of course, unless you're not taking blogging as a business.

According to Impact, companies that blogged consistently saw a 71% increase in their leads than the others.

  • There is need for more traffic and freshness
  • There is need to keep your audience updated on latest happenings in your niche
  • More sales, etc.

These are all very good reasons you need to be consistent.

  • AI writing can speed up your content creation by 10x
  • It can save you a lot of time and increase your overall productivity rate.
  • If you're struggling with Writer's block, you can finally put an end to it. These tools can generate topics, headlines, outlines, etc.

In a matter of minutes, anyone can generate a 1,500 to 2,000+ words blog post that is unique, readable and high quality.

But there's a drawback

If you don't use AI writing tools the proper way, you can risk hurting your website and getting punished by Google.

You can even bore and scare away your readers.

So what are the best practices for using AI writers? How do you create the perfect AI blog content that is useful to your readers?

This is what we're going to discuss in this article.

We'll cover the following;

  • Do's and Don'ts of using AI to write blog posts
  • Extra tips for Improving your content creation using artificial intelligence.
  • Recommended AI writing tools for bloggers and more.

Without wasting time, lets get down to it.

Artificial Intelligence Blog Writing Guide for 2024

A featured image on the topic: artificial intelligence blog writing

First we are going to take a look at some Do's and Don'ts.

Do's & Don'ts of using AI Content writers for blog content creation

Truth is AI writing tools can be of great assistance but to produce only high quality content, there are a few things you need to do.

This will separate you from the lots others who wrongly use these writing assistants.

As said earlier, you can hurt your search engine rankings and push your audience away if you use these tools the wrong way.

There's this saying “Everybody want to create AI content but nobody wants to read content written by a Robot” 

This can't be further from the truth;

The reason is most times, AI text generators lack creativity and they end up creating difficult to read words.

It's your job to add a final touch and creativity

You also need to do fact checking as facts and statistics generated can be wrong and misleading.

With that being said, let's take a look at some do's of using AI content writers to write and improve your articles.


1. Use them to generate blog post ideas.

One of the most important uses of AI writers is blog ideas to create content.

They can help you generate blog ideas in seconds. All you need to get started is a simple input of your niche keyword.

For example: “Weight Loss”

Then the AI writing tool will go ahead and generate a lot of ideas for a topic  From there you can get a hint of the topic you want to write on.

Here's an example blog topic ideas generated with Writecream AI

blog ideas by writecream

This should give you a hint on the topic.

2. Use AI tools to optimize SEO and carry out audience research

AI an writer like ChatGPT can help you carry out audience research and optimize seo.

For example:

Say we have a topic in mind “Weight Loss Tips”

We can ask ChatGPT what kind of audience will be interested in that Weigh Loss Tips.

We can also ask it to elaborate on the audience concerns

The tool will go ahead and list possible concerns and carry out an audience research.

This will help you understand better what your readers really want. With this you will be able boost conversions

Let's see an example output.

We asked ChatGenie by Writecream AI what kind of audience will be interested in the topic of “Weight Loss Tips” and also told it to elaborate on their concerns.

Below is the output it generated

writecream chatgenie

As you can see above, you can use this insight for your blog article. It helps you understand your audience better.

AI writing tools can also write meta descriptions and titles for you that will get high click through rates. They have a lot of tools that can help you optimize your articles for search engines

3. Carefully edit and proofread the content to ensure that it is high quality and easy to understand

Th is self explanatory. Before publishing the AI content on your website, you should clearly check for grammatical errors.

Also ensure it is quality, detailed and your readers can understand it easily.

Add images where necessary, and don't forget to break paragraphs.

AI writers tend to generate long paragraphs. You don't want to scare away your readers with long text.

Edit thoroughly.

4. Plagiarism checker tools are important

Can't stress this enough. Most tools come with in-built plagiarism checker while some do not. You can use Grammarly to detect plagiarism.

5. Fact Checking

One area AI writing assistants are lacking is in facts.

Stuff like;

“A research by XXXXX company states that 50% of bla bla bla” 

Check on google and you'll discover the company does not even exist.

There is no fact checking yet, so you have to do this manually.

Confirm if  a particular claim is true or not before publishing your blog post.

You don't want to spread misleading information and lose trust with your readers.


Here are somethings you need to avoid when using AI to write blog posts or any kind of content.

1. Don't rely too much on machine learning content

Why? Because it lacks human touch.

There is little to zero creativity.

This is why it is very important to only use these tools as assistants and not a replacement.

Creativity is essential when it comes to content creation.

Your blog posts have to be interesting, funny, and also pass the information at the same time.

Always add human touch increase it's chances of connecting with your audience.

2. Don't use for All Niches

General popular blogging niches work well with AI content. You can quickly create Top 10 list posts, How to Posts, etc.

But you can't do this in professional niches where only human research is needed and you have to build a brand and authority.

Those kind of niches need thorough research.

Other don'ts to keep in mind;

  • Don't use AI content without proofreading and editing first.
  • Don't use AI content that is not original

With all this in mind, what are the top AI writing tools?

Before we go through that, lets  let's take a look at some tips to writing blog posts with AI

Top Tips for Writing a Blog Post with AI

If you can master and implement these tips, you'll be able to generate high-quality blog articles in a short time.

They will be easy to consume by your audience and you can also rank on search engines with them.

So what are these tips to keep in mind when generating content with AI writing assistants.

1. Define your goals

What do you want to achieve with an AI tool?

  • Do you want to use it to increase productivity?
  • To Improve your blog SEO?
  • or for targeting a particular audience?

Some tools are good for eCommerce while some are perfect for SEO, etc.

These questions will help you determine what AI tool would be a perfect fit for you.

2. Have an Idea of a Topic

This is the very first step. AI copywriting tools work with input so you have to give it an input to get an output.

If you have an idea of a topic you want to share with your audience, you're halfway.

Say you're in the SaaS and marketing niche, you may want to share some methods you've learn on “how to generate leads” with your audience.

So your topic is obviously “Lead Generation Tips”

This is what you will need to get the best of AI tools.

You can easily enter it into your favorite AI tools' blog ideas generator.

It will go ahead and generate different versions and topics for you to work with.

3. Do Keyword Research

When you have an idea of a topic the next thing is content creation

Yes, but there is something else.

Keyword research.

You need to ensure your topic is one that gets traffic and the only way to know is through keyword research.

If you target the keyword “Weight Loss” there is high chance you will never get any traffic from Google and other search engines.

This is because it is a high competitive keyword and a lot of established websites are already targeting it.

How about something like “how to lose weight in xxxxx days without bla bla bla”

You can tailor your topic on such long tail keywords.

They are usually easy to rank.

You can use SEO tools like Semrush to find low competition keywords for your niche.

Let's take a look at some popular AI writing tools that you can use for content creation

Top AI Writing Tools for Creating Blog Posts

Quick note: ShortlyAI used to be very popular but it was soon acquired by JasperAI (Which is now regarded as one of the best)

So we wrote a sites like shortlyai article listing the best alternatives. If you are looking for very good AI writing tool to help with blog content creation feel free to check that list.

We'll also recommend some here for you.

These AI writers leverage Openai’s  gpt 3 algorithm to generate high quality and unique content that you can use on your blog.

Let's see some of the best.


Our best recommendation on this list is copy ai is an AI blog article writer tool that helps you write better content, in less time. It provides 100+ tools and templates that you can use

It's not only limited to English, so if you want to create content in other languages you have access to over 25+ languages.

It comes with powerful blog tools to help you create content easily and fast such as:

It's “Blog Post Wizard” feature is perfect for creating a full blog post in simple steps.

Here are more tools it offers for writing blog posts;

  • Blog Ideas for generating topic; All you need is enter a keyword
  • Blog Intro: Use this to generate intros for your topic
  • Blog Outline
  • Blog Title
  • Blog Title – Listicle
  • Bullet Point to Blog Section
  • Blog Conclusion
  • Keyword Generator: Perfect for Generate
  • etc.

It is currently used by over 1,000,000+ professionals for content creation.

teams that choose copy ai for content writing

You can use the tool for free to generate content.

Here's a promo code to help you save money if you fall in love with the tool and decide to upgrade to a paid plan later.

2. Jasper AI

jasperai templates

Jasper is second on the list, and one of the best AI tools for writing blog posts.

You can use jasper to create long form content and they provide you with a lot of templates to chose from.

Unlike where you have to join pieces of sentences generated together to create your post jasper's longform assistant does this easily.

Jasper is not limited to blog posts, you can also use it to:

  • Write stories
  • Write books
  • Emails
  • Answer Quora questions and more.

Just like any other tool, If you want to use Jasper, all you need is an input.

Then it will go ahead and create your article.

There are a lot of posts and videos on YouTube on how to write a blog article with jasper AI. Feel free to consume those resources.

3. Rytr


Rytr is another very good AI writing tool. It has a very easy to use dashboard for creating content.

Plus it offers a generous free trial to write for free.

All you need to do is just input some text and it will go ahead and create your blog posts.

Here's a blog post outline Rytr generated for us on “Weight Loss”

rytr outine

For ranking your blog posts on Google, Rytr AI content writer comes with built-in SEO analyzer tools to enable you write SEO-optimized articles.

Other AI blog article writers include:

  • Writesonic: Also good for generating marketing copies
  • Writecream: Aside writing blog posts, it's a leader in generating personalized cold mails

That's it on tools that will write your blog posts.

AI Writing Tools for Improving Blog Content

Let's take a look at AI tools that are actually designed to improve your blog articles.

This time we are not talking about writing, but improving.

1. Grammarly

Grammarly is an AI tool used by millions of writers every day to check content for grammatical errors and spellings.

You can download the chrome extension and start improving your content easily.

It's a must have for an error free article.

Best tool for proofreading your content

2. LinkWisper

LinkWisper is an AI tool to help you with internal linking at the click of a button. 

Who has time to manually interlink hundreds of articles? This is why LinkWisper tool is a perfect fit. 

In a matter of minutes it will scan all your articles and find the best opportunities for internal linking.  

You are going to need it in the long run for internet linking.

3. MarketMuse

MarketMuse is best for topics research.

One of the best AI SEO tools out there to find what topics you should cover on your blog.

You can use it to create content plans, topic clusters as well as structuring your content. This will help you build authority in your niche in a short time.

These AI writers all have their unique features and strength so it's left for you to decide on what's best for your needs.

If you are looking for complete ones for writing blog articles with SEO capabilities, plagiarism checkers, etc… you can start with CopyAI or Jasper.

They offer free trials for testing purpose.


Here are frequently asked questions by readers looking for tips on using AI to write high quality blog posts. We've answered everything and hope it helps you too.

Can an AI write an article?

Yes, an AI tool can write an article. Give it a keyword and it will generate topics. When this is done the outlines are generated too and finally your article.

Should I use AI to write blog posts?

Yes, you should use AI as an assistant to write your blog posts. It makes the content writing process much faster. There is a downside however, you need to proofread and check facts to ensure they are accurate.

What is the best AI blog writer?

JasperAI is undoubtedly the best AI content writing tool for creating blog articles. It's the most popular writing tool. It's best competitor is CopyAI

Will AI replace bloggers?

AI will never replace bloggers because it lacks human touch and creativity. It is only a tool trained based on Data. It can only serve as a writing assistant.

Final Thoughts on AI for Blog Writing

It's no longer news, AI writing tools are a blessing for bloggers. They can help you generate a lot of content in a short period of time and improve your productivity. 

You'll also be able to dominate any niche you enter into, even if you have little to no knowledge.

This is the secret of niche site bloggers.

But you need to be careful. Misusing these tools come with their own consequences.

Always do fact checking and ensure the content flows in your tone/voice. Your readers can tell if you're not the one who wrote an article.

What's your thought on this artificial intelligence blog writing guide? Will you give AI writing assistants a try? Have any questions? Please let us know in the comments section.

5 thoughts on “Artificial Intelligence Blog Writing: Best Practices, Tools and Statistics (2024)”

  1. Hi Prosper, I love using Jasper AI to help me when I get stuck in writing posts. It’s great for when you have writer’s block too. I edit the content in my own voice but it really speeds up the process of writing. Thanks for the tips here!

  2. I have to say I really love Jasper. It’s an impressive piece of software that has greatly improved the productivity and quality of I, my colleagues and our work

  3. Excellent Blog Please Dear Guide me too . and look at my Website too to guide me what is my mistakes and what i am doing right .
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