Prepostseo Review: A Must-Have Toolkit for All Writers

Writing can sometimes become a challenging task. Therefore, software developers have developed many toolkits to make the job easier for writers. Among those tools, there is one called Prepostseo.

Prepostseo is a web utility that offers 95+ tools to students, writers, web admins, teachers, and SEO experts. So, this web application has made peoples’ jobs easier with the help of its various tools.

However, in this guide, we’ll look at the multiple tools of Prepostseo for writers. We’ll check whether its writing assistant tools are useful or not. So, let’s get started.

Key Features of Prepostseo

The worth of key features is measured in terms of their usability to the target audience. So, exploring the featured highlights of a toolkit is the best way to determine its usability. And that is why we’ve started this review guide from the key features of Prepostseo.

In this section, we’ll shed light on the writing-related tools of Prepostseo and try to identify how each tool can be valuable for writers. So, here is a complete list of handy tools writers will find in this web toolkit:

Online Text Editor

The online text editor of Prepostseo is like a complete word processor. That’s because it has all the features for writing and editing an entire document from scratch. For instance, this tool will serve you well, irrespective of whether you want to write and format web content or text for study purposes.

Once you’ve typed your content, you can save it as a PDF or document file to local device storage. But that’s not it, as it allows you to check the plagiarism and grammar of typed content. So, this tool of Prepostseo is handy for writers. However, let’s explore the valuable nature of this tool more.

How Can This Tool Benefit the Writers?

The online text editor of Prepostseo can benefit the writers in the following ways:

  • Writers can format the typography of their content by bolding, italicizing, underlining, striking through, and adding superscripts and subscripts.

  • Similarly, writers can format their content into H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, paragraph, and preformatted styles. So, when pasting content to their blogs, writers won’t have to reformat it.
  • Besides, this tool of Prepostseo also lets the writers perform the following functions:
    • Insert and format 10×10 tables.
    • Align content to center, left, right, and justify.
    • Add links.
    • Embed media.
    • Use special characters.
    • Add page breaks.
    • Insert current date and time.
    • View the source code of typed content to make editing on the web easier.
  • Since it is an online utility, writers can use internet-connected devices to access it. So, you don’t have to get into the lengthy installation procedure with this utility as you do with Microsoft Office.

Paraphrasing Tool

Sometimes, writers have to express an existing idea in different wording or improve the quality of their writing. In such situations, they can refer to the Prepostseo paraphrasing tool.

The paraphrasing tool of this web toolkit performs word-to-word and line-by-line rephrasing. It helps writers to paraphrase their content in the below AI modes:

  • Standard.
  • Fluency.
  • Creative.
  • Smarter.

These modes paraphrase the entered text without modifying its meaning. That’s because this paraphrasing tool works on NLP and GPT-3 technologies. So, whether writers want to reduce redundancy or approach a piece of text from different angles, they can use this tool.

How Can This Tool Benefit the Writers?

Here are a few factors that prove the usability of this tool for writers:

  • As mentioned earlier, writers can use it to express an existing idea with different wording. So, here is an example of how this tool does that:

  • With this AI-powered tool, writers can bring variance to the vocabulary of their writing pieces. And here is an example of how this tool does that:

  • Writers can enhance the quality of original texts through this tool because it can explain jumbled ideas in an easy-to-understand manner. And here is the proof of this statement:

Article Rewriter

While the paraphrasing tool expresses an existing idea with different wording, it doesn’t change the sentence structures. So, if writers want to change the sentence structures while keeping the original meaning intact, they can use the article rewriter of Prepostseo.

This tool of Prepostseo rewrites the entered text from scratch to make it unique and original. However, like the rephrasing tool, the article rewriter will rewrite the article without changing the meaning.

Besides, this rewriter uses four modes to provide the users with multiple variations. Those four modes are:

  • Simple.
  • Advanced.
  • Fluency.
  • Creative.

So, whether writers want to modify the sentence structures of multiple paragraphs or replace some words and phrases in sections, the text rewriter tool of Prepostseo will come in handy.

How Can This Tool Benefit the Writers?

Let’s discuss a few factors to prove the usefulness of this text-rewriting tool for writers:

  • Writers can use this text rewriter to overcome writer’s block because it allows them to discover new angles of an existing idea.

  • Similarly, writers can use this tool to enhance the vocabulary of existing text. So, the following example is evidence of this statement:

  • Writers can use the text rewriter of Prepostseo to change the writing tone and bring more readability to content. To demonstrate this, have a look at the below example:

Text Summarizer

Most of the time, writers need to add a conclusion/summary to their work. That’s where the Prepostseo summarizing tool will come in handy.

This tool is an AI-based summary generator that extracts the gist from a lengthy text by condensing it. It identifies the key ideas and only focuses on them while generating a summary. So, writers can use this tool to find an overview of a lengthy text during the research phase.

Due to being an AI-based utility, this text summarizer doesn’t change the context of the generated summary. And that’s the reason for the accuracy of its results.

How Can This Tool Benefit the Writers?

This online tool can benefit the writers in the following ways:

  • Despite providing an automated way of condensing the text, this tool offers complete control to writers. For instance, they can either set the length to a specific word count or use the percentage slider to specify the size of the generated summary.

  • By default, this tool generates summaries in the form of sentences. But writers can check the ‘Show Bullets’ box to convert the generated summary into bullets. Later, they can use those bullets in their presentations.

Plagiarism Checker

Prepostseo’s plagiarism checker is a sentence-wise duplicate content detector. Therefore, when writers enter text into this utility, it compares each sentence of that text with the data available on search engines.

After completing the scan for plagiarism, this utility underlines the unoriginal sentences, provides the ratio of unique and plagiarized content, and gives a list of matched sources. So, with this plagiarism detector, writers can quickly identify the unoriginal sections in lengthy documents.

How Can This Tool Benefit the Writers?

Let’s discuss a few factors to prove the usefulness of this plagiarism detector for writers:

  • Enclosing the information in double quotes and citing its reference is one of the ways to avoid plagiarism. So, if they’ve used this technique, writers can check the ‘Exclude Quotes’ box and paste the URL of that source in the ‘Enter Excluded URL’ box. This way, this plagiarism detector will not check the information enclosed in double quotes and from the URL specified in the ‘Enter Excluded URL’ box.

  • The database of this tool covers all the resources available on search engines. So, writers can trust the integrity of this tool and work on the plagiarism-affected areas.
  • Writers can share the result of the plagiarism scan with their mates simply by downloading and saving it in both HTML and PDF format.

Online Grammar Checker

Undoubtedly, writing plagiarism-free content is essential for the integrity of a writer. But besides the originality of a write-up, it’s also necessary to focus on writing grammatically correct content. And that’s where the Prepostseo grammar checker will come in handy.

As the name depicts, this tool allows writers to find and correct grammatical, punctuation, and spelling mistakes in their content. So, like the Prepostseo paraphraser and article rewriter, this tool also uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to understand the human text. Then, it uses an AI algorithm, which is trained on the writing patterns of humans. So, that’s how this tool can find and correct grammatical and spelling mistakes like humans.

How Can This Tool Benefit the Writers?

Here are a few factors that prove the usability of this tool for writers:

  • This tool uses different colors to highlight grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. So, identifying both types of errors in the lengthy text will be easier for writers.

  • Although writers can click on an individual mistake to get this tool’s suggestions, they can correct all the errors by clicking the ‘Resolve All’ button.

  • Writers can save the corrected text by copying it to the clipboard or in a separate document file.

  • Writers can also use the text area of this online grammar and spelling checker to type documents from scratch. That’s because it has all the essential features, such as:
    • Text formatting options (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H5, preformatted and paragraph).
    • Text styling options (bold, italic, and underline).
    • Text alignment options (center, right, left, and justify).

Readability and Keywords Density Checker

Educating the readers is the primary purpose of writing content. And readers will only get informed if they’ve understood the text. Therefore, besides writing grammatically correct and original content, writing reader-friendly text is also essential. And that’s where Prepostseo’s readability checker will come in handy.

As the name suggests, this tool performs a readability test on the entered text. And for that, it uses different methods, such as Automated Readability Index, Flesch Kincaid Grade Level, Flesch Kincaid Reading Ease, Gunning Fog Score, and SMOG Index. So, with the help of these methods, this tool will determine what grade of kids could easily read and understand the entered text.

How Can This Tool Benefit the Writers?

Let’s discuss a few factors to prove the usefulness of this tool for writers:

  • If a content writer wants to create content for search engines, it is essential to write SEO-friendly content. And one of the crucial aspects of modern-day SEO-friendly content is its easy-to-understand nature. So, writers can use this tool of Prepostseo to determine whether their content is easy-to-read and understandable or not.

  • Besides the easy-to-read nature, using the keywords appropriately is also essential. Otherwise, the content will not be Search Engine and reader-friendly. Therefore, writers can use this grammar-checking tool to check whether the percentage of keywords is appropriate in their content or not.

Prepostseo Pricing Plans

Prepostseo is a freemium web-based toolkit. So, its features will be free to some extent. But to access its features without any restrictions, users will have to purchase any of its premium plans.

The premium plan of this web toolkit is available in three pricing structures:


This pricing system suits hobbyist writers because they don’t have to write daily. It offers 5,000 search queries with the monthly payment plan and 50,000 with the annual one.


This pricing structure suits professional writers because writing several words is part and parcel of their lives. It offers 25,000 search queries with the monthly payment plan and 200,000 with the annual one.


As the name depicts, this pricing system suits organizations and companies. It offers 75,000 search queries with the monthly payment plan and 500,000 with the annual one.

Here is the complete detail of this web toolkit’s pricing plans with monthly and annual payment structures:



Weighing the Advantages and Drawbacks of This Toolkit

Now that we’ve discussed everything related to Prepostseo’s usability for writers, it’s time to talk about the pros and cons of this web toolkit. Doing so will help you make an informed decision. So, let’s get to it.


In context with the key features discussed in this guide, we’ve identified the following factors as the advantages of Prepostseo tools for writers:

  • Most of the above-specified tools of Prepostseo are available in multiple languages. So, writers from across the globe can use this web toolkit.
  • This web toolkit’s plagiarism checker, paraphrasing tool, and article rewriter allow direct file uploading from Google Drive. So, if writers use Google Docs for typing documents, they won’t have to save and upload files conventionally. Instead, they can directly upload the document from Google Drive without leaving the window of this toolkit.
  • The interface of all the above-specified tools of this platform is intuitive. So, writers won’t need any training to get started with this toolkit.
  • The paraphrasing and text rewriter tools of Prepostseo are ideal for improving text quality, bringing variance to the vocabulary, and expressing existing ideas with different words.
  • Writers can also download the android and iOS applications of most of the above-specified tools of Prepostseo.


In context with the key features discussed in this guide, we’ve identified the following factors as the disadvantages of Prepostseo tools for writers:

  • Writers can only paraphrase 500 words for free with the paraphrasing tool Prepostseo.
  • Similarly, the plagiarism checker tool only allows users to check 1000 words for free.
  • Free users will have limited access to Prepostseo’s paraphrasing tool and text rewriter modes.


All in all, Prepostseo is a handy and must-have web toolkit for writers. That’s because most of its tools do a fantastic job, especially considering their free-of-cost availability. So, writers can use this web application to type complete documents from scratch or improve the quality of their write-ups.

But besides the usability, the interface and experience of this web toolkit also look clean. So, writers won’t need any training to enjoy the benefits of Prepostseo.


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